Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fr Michael's Presentation : Faith and Reason

 June 3, 2011
Faith and Reason
The Two Wings upon which the Human Spirit Soars

Traditionally: Three parts

  • Apprehension or Understanding
  • Judgment
  • Induction and Deduction
  • Not just logic but intuition, too
Modernity: Just hard logic and scientific fact

  • Discursive thought alone is sufficient (ex. Calculation)
  • Intuition is suspected as emotionalism (chauvinism?)
  • Example: So-Called Homosexual Marriage
Reason’s object: Reality

Reason's Goal

  • Traditionally: The Truth of all things
  • Sought to go beyond accidental and contingent into the substantial and infinite
  • Ultimate task: Discover Meaning
  • Modernity: Technical Knowledge
  • Nothing exists beyond the empirical (scientific method)
  • Ultimate task: Control Nature
  • Different Questions posed by two approaches:
  • Modern: How do I open a Facebookaccount?
  • Tradition: What is the purpose of communication?
  • Modern: What do we have to do to get married?
  • Tradition: What is the meaning of human love?
  • Modern: How can we extract stem cells from an embryo?
  • Tradition: What does it mean to be human?
Entrusting oneself to another

  • All human knowledge is based on faith (ex. Nutrition)
  • Personal adherence to someone in the truth. Truth forms relationships. Taking a stand on someone’s word
Catholic Faith

  • Personal adherence to God who is the most trustworthy. Taking a stand on God’s Word
  • Therefore, faith is more certain than reason
Faith perfects reason

  • What reason can not reach, faith supplies
  • Faith’s object: God’s own self-knowledge
Faith's Goal

Belief: Resting on the authority of God, not on discursive methods (ex. The Eucharist)
Provides the meaning Reason would never reach; therefore, completes the human person
  • Ex. 1: Substance vsRelations
  • The Councils of Nicea325 AD and Constantinople I 381 AD
  • Ex. 2: Nature vsPerson
  • The Great Council of Chalcedon 451 AD

History of Faith and Reason
Reason frees Faith from myth
  • Ex.: The anger of God; He will smite His enemies!
  • Helps to develop a systematic presentation of the Faith
  • Greek philosophy empowered Christianity

Faith frees Reason
  • Without faith could we ever know the ultimate answers?
  • Christian Faith and Theology favored progress
  • Conquering the myth of nature made science possible
  • Reason is wounded by sin

  • Fides et Ratio –John Paul II
  • The Victory of Reason –Rodney Stark
  • Introduction to Christianity –Joseph Ratzinger
  • Dei Filius–Vatican Council I
  • Gaudiumet Spes–Vatican Council II
  • HumaniGeneris –Pius XII

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